

Hi there! I’m Denise, a Feminine Energy & Relationship Coach and Photographer

Enneagram 2, a true empath and nurturer... I live for an amazing Tuna Tar Tar, am always out on a date with my better half and swear I liked blush pink before anyone else.


I was a Market Research Manager for a fortune 500 company for 10 years, making 6 figures at a very young age. It felt like a dream. Until it... wasn't. 

I was laid off from this company after putting my heart and soul into it for 10 years! Just like that, my security was wiped away, in a flash. This pushed me to go full force with my photography business. Closed doors are blessings in disguise y'all. (Don't dwell too much on the moment at hand. Know that the universe will guide you somewhere even greater down the road). During my twenty year career I have photographed thousands of women and have heard their amazing and resilient stories and captured their beautiful essense and courageous souls.  

Always evolving! 

This has led me to my true purpose in life...healing women from the inside out.

It was never just photography to me, it was a culprit to something more impactful than I could ever imagine. Little did I know that my own experiences in life could bring me to do something my soul cries out for. Healing others who suffer from within. Teaching them how to change their mindset and live a more meaningful life and attract a healthy and thriving relationship with themselves and a partner who is worthy of them. People never thought it was possible for the love I dreamed of, but I am here to tell you I am living proof of it!! Don't ever give up hope!! Everything you want is on the other side of fear. You are not alone my beautiful friend. I will be here to help guide you. I hope you join me for this crazy, yet amazing ride!

When I'm not working you can find me eating at a new restaurant and trying out a new cocktail with my signif other.

Top: My favorite self care.
Left, This is Us. Right: It may be tea, it may be wine. Which one?


Denise is the founder of Denise Nicole Coaching and Photography. She's an OG healer who swears she needs a new outfit for every occasion. She hopes to be known for bringing a level of sparkle to the world and teaching women to believe in their worth.




I live for a great Tuna Tar Tar. I never even liked Tuna until about 4 years ago and now I search for restaurants that have it, so I can rate it!


I sing as loud as I can in my car but can't hold a tune for the life of me. 


My favorite movie is Pretty Woman but secretly I love Scarface. 


I'm super intrigued by the brain. And have been studying it since I was 19 years old!! 

Your at-a-glance guide to where I stand on all the truly important things.


Favorite indulgence


celeb i'd love to meet


Guilty pleasure

Jane The Virgin

alternate universe job:

Job? Psssshh, somewhere on a romantic beach, retired

favorite place i've been:

Puerto Penasco. It's Our Home Away From Home.

drink of choice

Old Fashioned For The Win!

can't live without

100 Different Reading Glasses

usually craving

Doritos and Lemons

beach vs mountains

Beach, Beach, Baby

favorite show to binge

Sex and the City. Samantha forever.

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