
psst... listen up

Ready to Level Up Your Self Worth and Confidence?

You are capable of greatness! It’s time to step out of your comfort zone and be the woman you were meant to be. Believe in yourself, you can do it! 

Get on the waiting list!

Sure, You Could Do It Yourself.

But haven't you been down that road already? Because I can tell you that I tried many times to do it on my own and I kept going down the toxic merry go round of love. I needed the support of other women. The community to help push me forward and stay focused. Without that encouragement it's easy to fall back into your programmed ways. The comfort of the messiness. The loneliness of never being fulfilled. The outside validation that lowers your self esteem and keeps you trapped right where you are. Believing there is no way out. The false belief of this is all you are worthy of. Girlfreeeen --- STOP!

If you're anything like me, you need help to take your super power to the next level. You just want someone to tell you what works and what doesn't. A shortcut to happiness and complete freedom! Doesn't that sound wonderful!?

let's be real.

You are a Queen! And you are deserving of that type of treatment!

Claim it now!!!  Your body is a temple. Your mind is a place of peace and serenity. You are everything you ever need. Happiness starts within. There is nothing or noone who can fill any void you have inside. Only you can do that. I can show you the way to true freedom. 

Create the life you want to wake up to every morning. The world is limitless. 

Get on the waiting list!


Denise Nicole Coaching

Hello Beautiful! Here we will evolve, learn our triggers and react differently to them, get our emotions under control, reparent our inner child, become self aware and love ourselves fiercely. We will show up daily and be ready for a healthy relationship, when the time is right. Or if you are in a relationship you will learn healthy boundaries. But first and foremost, we will learn how to give the love that we give to others, to ourselves.

Girl yes, you had me at hello


This is a beneficial life skill. You start from within. Understanding your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Taking time to analyze your values, goals, skills, strengths, and challenges. Developing self-confidence by recognizing what sets you apart from others and the unique gifts that you possess.


Unresolved childhood trauma can significantly influence how we show up in relationships. It can often lead to damaging behavior patterns and difficulties with intimacy. By recognizing, understanding, and healing from our childhood experiences we are able to create more healthy and meaningful relationships.


Having a victim mentality can drain our energy and cloud our judgment, holding us back from evolving into being our best selves. When you choose to transition your thinking to a warrior mindset, you’ll be amazed at how empowering it can be. 

Kind Words

Denise helped bring out my feminine energy. My self confidence boosted and this helped me get over a very difficult part of my life. Forever thankful.

— Cori

I can't even explain how courageous it is to learn about yourself. It's the most empowering feeling in the world to be able to take control of your life!

— Jennifer


Expert at falling and dusting myself back off again.

Listen. I know it's not easy. Trust me. I lived that life. I have been on this self love journey for 25 years! You think it would get easier. Eventually, it does with the right tools and resources! You don't have to do this alone!!! Please reach out. You deserve this.


You’re Someone Who Needs To
Heal Within

We all do. Even those you think have their sh!t together. Trust me. They don't. I was mentored by the best and let me tell you, they also were mentored. It's refreshing to know that even those we look up to can relate. It takes constant work. I know that sounds painful. But isn't staying where you are painful?! Which would you rather sacrafice? An hour every day dedicated to you and a living the life of your dreams. or a lifetime of staying stagnant? Change is sometimes scary but oh so beautiful.

Don't let another day go by without investing in yourself and creating the life you always wanted to live. It's possible! I'm living proof.

Get on the waiting list!

“Denise was the best choice I’ve made for healing within, hands down. She’s a freaking genius!” 


With this program

You Will:

+ create healthy boundaries

+ GAIN self confidence

+ a FULFILLING relationship

+ achieve peace of mind

want something like that?

get in touch

Get On The Thriving Couples
Waiting List

Are you wanting to have a more intentional relationship with your partner? Sign up for our Thriving Couples Program coming soon!

Find out how we date intentionally, work through problems and get some awesome and transparent advice on the hard convos from both points of view!

yes please!

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Taking you from unfulfilling relationships to a thriving and intentional love.
