Self Worth Movement

How To Go From Situationship To Marriage Material

July 11, 2024

I’m Denise Nicole.
Welcome to my little corner of the world! We are here to heal from within. Learn to control our reactions to triggers and kick toxic habits and relationships to live a healthier lifestyle.
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Forgive yourself for not knowing 👀

🗝️ First of all you have to be so completely convicted that you want to change. This is the key to transformation! Have you ever heard the quote “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”- Albert Einstein

Stop asking yourself why things aren’t changing when you aren’t doing anything to change them!

When you are ready for change, you will TAKE ACTION.

I was so sick and tired of attracting the wrong partners and I wanted someone who put in as much effort as I did into my relationships.

So I had to really look within to see where I was lacking. If I wanted love, I had to give love to myself. If I wanted to be prioritized, I had to learn to prioritize myself first.

I wanted a husband but I was still entertaining men who didn’t value me. This is a big NO NO! This will diminish your mindset quicker than anything else ever will. Those limiting beliefs will be in full effect because the way you are being treated really does mess with your mental state of mind.

Even if you believe that you should be treated better. If you are not putting up those boundaries and establishing standards, there is no way that any man is going to put them up for you. They will just give the bare minimum because, why should they have to put in effort for you, if you don’t even put in effort for yourself?

A person will mirror your energy.

I don’t care how much you put into a relationship. If you are not giving to yourself first. That is the problem!!

👉🏼Once you have your boundaries and standards in place then you need to start showing up in those beliefs. And I mean SHOW UP! Don’t say you are and then cheat yourself. Be true to who you are deep down in your core. Give up anything that makes you feel icky inside. I promise you… this is it.

👉🏼Get rid of those “just in case” phone numbers – You know what I’m talking about!!! Those options you have in your phone because you “know” things are going to go wrong in your current situation because that’s how we think in our sabotaging mindset.

👉🏼Block that ex —- PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD let that man go!!!! If you don’t quit him cold turkey you will continue to let him in time and time again and guess what??? He will only disappoint you YET AGAIN!!! Don’t do this to yourself. I get it. It’s hard. I was there too! I felt like I was going to DIE. But here I am with a beautiful, B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L man who adores me to pieces and kisses the ground I walk on!!!! That’s what we are going to set you up for ladybug! Be patient. I promise you it gets better!!!

👉🏼Seriously get rid of any baggage and DO NOT bring that into your new relationship.

👉🏼Heal those wounds of past relationships (betrayal, prioritization, abandonment, abuse, manipulation, etc) I can show you how to do this in my SELF WORTH MOVEMENT PROGRAM. Hit me up mama to be put on the list for my upcoming masterclass! Subject line I AM WORTHY.

👉🏼Forgive yourself for allowing to be treated badly. And know that you will start a new way of loving yourself to the fullest.

If you want to learn more about how to heal you can chat with DENISE GPT, and get 24/7 access to our amazing AI Coach (my husband totally cloned me y’all) . You can ask her anything at your own discretion!!!

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Denise Nicole

Are you tired of feeling unworthy, unloved, not good enough, under appreciated, depleted, and tired of the meaningless situationships that always seem to come your way? Are you ready to level up and love yourself so fiercely that others can't help but do the same? Giiiiiirrrrrlllll.... I got you!!! We don't settle over here!

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