Self Worth Movement

Why He’s Keeping You At A Distance

July 12, 2024

I’m Denise Nicole.
Welcome to my little corner of the world! We are here to heal from within. Learn to control our reactions to triggers and kick toxic habits and relationships to live a healthier lifestyle.
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I can’t believe I’m telling you this 🙈

At one point in my life, my self-worth and self-esteem were so low that they exacerbated my deepest insecurities in my previous relationship.

Our once strong relationship deteriorated rapidly. The shift from being prioritized, receiving consistent calls and texts, and making plans for the future abruptly came to a halt.

I found myself baffled by his sudden withdrawal, attempting to initiate conversations with him only to be met with silence.

The uncertainty and pain left me feeling unworthy.

I began to wonder, “What could be the cause?” The answer dawned on me: it stemmed from a place of lack or neediness on my end.

It’s effortless to mask insecurities & fears in the initial stages of a relationship, only for them to resurface later with a vengeance. I recognized a recurring pattern within myself; perhaps you can relate:

👉🏼I clung excessively, bombarding him with messages and calls if I didn’t hear from him for long periods of time

👉🏼I constantly sought validation and reassurance from him

👉🏼I relied solely on him for happiness

👉🏼I was controlling and insecure

👉🏼I was always available at his beck and call, prioritizing his needs and requests over my own

Feeling suffocated and overwhelmed, he naturally distanced himself. It was then that I realized I needed to take action to break this cycle.

Here’s what I did to shift the dynamic:

✨ Instead of being confrontational, I redirected my focus inward, centering on my own emotions and needs

✨ I confronted the lingering pain from past experiences and addressed the underlying fear of abandonment

✨ I delved deeper, acknowledging the vulnerability within and embracing the wounded inner child. Get my Inner Child e-Book to learn more.

✨ I showered myself with love and compassion, nurturing the wounded aspects back to wholeness

✨ I began to embody my feminine energy, transforming my energy into feelings of self-love, worthiness, and deservingness. Click here for my inner goddess tips.

If you want to be in a place of abundance rather than scarcity and neediness click here to start your transformation.

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Denise Nicole

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