
How I Attracted The Man of My Dreams

July 13, 2024

I’m Denise Nicole.
Welcome to my little corner of the world! We are here to heal from within. Learn to control our reactions to triggers and kick toxic habits and relationships to live a healthier lifestyle.
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I went from 32 years of being in unfulfilling relationships with emotionally unavailable men to attracting an extremely thriving and fulfilling relationship with my dream man! It took a ton of inner healing work and self actualizing in order to get me to a mindset that was thriving and not on survival mode.

Here are some ways I acted within my feminine power:

1. Stop Trying So Hard
The only person you need to compare yourself to is who you were yesterday! Stop looking for external validation. The only one who can give you what you need, is yourself. Your power is in your femininity!

2. Find Your Center
Every time you feel triggered (intense emotions), do not react! Rest in your center and be self-full. Stay grounded and calm.

3. Allow Yourself To Be Led
If you allow men, they will provide you with safety and leadership. They will help you rest in your femininity. This is what men are created to do!!!! LET THEM! For so long I was the one who was always in control of all my relationships. I chose men who couldn’t lead because to me, it felt safe. If I was the stronger one, I would leave – before they could ever leave or hurt me. This is NOT okay! This is fear of abandonment showing up in all its glory. Don’t give it the satisfaction.

4. Let Him Pursue You
Instead of initiating a conversation, let him come towards you. Let him initiate and plan. – Although I was the one who sent my man a drink the first time I saw him, it got us to talk.. But after that I let him pursue me.

5. Let Go of Micromanaging
You do not need to have control over everything. Trust things will work out better than expected. Trying to control everything is a coping mechanism. Ask yourself why you do this … and lean into healing from that wound.

6. Rest In Your Body
To rest in femininity, you can’t be uptight and stressed out. Find ways to relax your body. – I started daily meditation. This allowed me to spend time with myself and learn how to just sit still. Staying busy distracted me from my goal of finding my ideal partner.

7. Let Things Come To You
Do not attach to the outcome. Trust and have faith that you will get everything you need, and more.

Get a free copy of our ebook – Transform Your Relationship in 30 Days here.

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