This will be a game changer 🤯
For us women, it’s not hard for us to find a man.
But to find a GOOD man and one we can actually KEEP is a different story.
You see I always attracted the emotionally unavailable man because subconsciously that was safer to me. Due to unresolved trauma. And the men that actually wanted marriage— I threw them in the friend zone because they were boring, too nice, always available, never a chase. etc.
Here is how I was able to turn that mindset around!!
✨Be happy and content within. I embraced my entire essence and lived a joyful life. I exuded positivity and poured out so much love and light. Men often hold their burdens within, so having a partner that radiates this energy is incredibly powerful to them. It shows them that you can be the guiding light in the darkest of hours. You can offer them joy and warmth on the hardest of days and amidst life’s challenges. You will be their safe haven, a place they run to, not run away from. Once a man finds this in a woman, he is never going to let that go.
✨Be nurturing. This is our job as a woman. It’s in our being and it’s in a mans to be extremely attracted to that. This gives them a sense of comfort and security that they crave for. If a man can trust you to take care of their heart and their home, it’s a done deal.
✨Be submissive. Yes I said what I said. I know, trust me. I was one who WOULD NEVER submit to a man. Because that made me feel weak. But that’s because I programed my mind when I was a young girl, to believe that. All I ever witnessed growing up were men that cheated. So I put up those walls unknowingly and kept every ‘real’ man out! Fast forward to a healed version of me… Submission means placing complete trust in his leadership. Allowing him to make decisions on finances, planning dates, ordering your food (that he knows you love because he pays attention). Allow him to take the lead. Men love that. This fosters a sense of respect that keeps him wanting more.