Self Worth Movement

What To Do When He Isn’t Texting You Back

what to do when he isnt texting you back

August 1, 2024

I’m Denise Nicole.
Welcome to my little corner of the world! We are here to heal from within. Learn to control our reactions to triggers and kick toxic habits and relationships to live a healthier lifestyle.
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Gimme that

I wish someone told me this 🙈

I’ve been there one too many times. We get into these relationships or situationships with men who JUST 👏🏼 DON’T👏🏼 VALUE 👏🏼 US 👏🏼.

This is so detrimental to our soul. Because deep down we just want to be loved. Why can’t they just love us?

The problem is that you are allowing this type of treatment. Read that again.

People will only treat us the way we allow them to.

I promise you, if you didn’t entertain that man every time he ghosted you & then came back & you allowed it, he wouldn’t make the mistake twice. He would beg you to give him another chance.

Because you, my dear, are different than the rest. You have higher standards & demand respect. A woman who demands respect will get it. HANDS DOWN.

Here is where to begin:

✨Reflect on why you keep abandoning yourself time & time again. Ask yourself questions like: When did I first notice this tendency in myself? What emotions arise when I think about prioritizing myself?
What fears or anxieties do I have about taking care of my own needs?

✨Recognize your worth: Understand that your needs & well-being are important & deserving of attention. Acknowledge that prioritizing yourself is not selfish but necessary for a healthy & balanced life.

✨Identify your needs: Take some time to reflect on what you truly need to feel fulfilled & happy. This could include physical, emotional, mental, & spiritual needs. Be specific & honest with yourself about what you require to thrive.

✨After you write those needs down… start doing those for yourself. Your inner child is crying out for YOU. Not anyone else. YOU. Give her that love she so craves from you. Purchase my INNER CHILD ebook here.

✨Set boundaries: Learn to say no to things that drain your energy or do not align with your priorities. Establishing boundaries with others is essential for protecting your time, energy, and mental health. Click here to get my BOUNDARIES ebook.

If you want to know my exact healing journey click here and join today to be enrolled in my master class. 32 years of trial & error & thousands of dollars 💰 💵 spent on therapy, coaching, inner healing courses all wrapped up in 1 course for you.

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Denise Nicole

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