Self Worth Movement

My Toxic Dating Cycle And How I Broke It

my toxic dating cycle and how I broke it

August 3, 2024

I’m Denise Nicole.
Welcome to my little corner of the world! We are here to heal from within. Learn to control our reactions to triggers and kick toxic habits and relationships to live a healthier lifestyle.
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I can’t believe I’m telling you this! 🙈

32 years of toxic and unfulfilling relationships!! I could write a book on all my shenanigans.

1992-1996 : Was in a relationship with a boy for 4 years and became a teen mom at 15 years old. He was emotionally abusive and cheated on me while I was pregnant with my son.

1996- 2003 : Was in a 7.5 year relationship with a boy who cheated on me while I was pregnant with my daughter, and was emotionally unavailable. Now mother of two at age 23 in 2001.

2003-2016 : Was with a man for 13 years who never wanted to marry me or have any children. He was emotionally unavailable. Great man but just not for me. 2 years after I left he married a woman within 7 months of knowing her and had a baby immediatey after.

2016 : Was in the dating scene. HARD. All emotionally unavailable men (shocker)!

2016- 2020 : Mid 2016, I was in a long distance relationship off and on for almost 4 years. I thought he was the one. But turns out he wasn’t. And during our “off” time I was in the dating scene again and in a whole situationship off and on with someone for almost that same amount of time. All of these men I dated during this time were emotionally unavailable.

2020-Current : After my breakup – I woke up. I went through a MAJOR inner healing stage. Started clearing my childhood trauma because I started to see a pattern in men. And I was over it!!! And guess what happened? I attracted a beautiful and healthy, emotionally available man who is fully committed to me and treats me like a Queen!!!!

So there it is. The honest truth of my past relationships. I’m a smart girl. I tell myself how the heck did you end up going down that road?? And honestly I didn’t even know I had a pattern. I just figured I had horrible luck with men.

I always wanted that bad boy. The one who never wanted to commit because I always thought I could change them. How could I not? I’m freaking amazing! Why wouldn’t they want to change for me?

Oh that was far from the truth. I chose these men because they were SAFE. They were familiar. They reminded me of a wound I was trying to fill.

That deep void inside from my father leaving and me becoming defiant and saying I would NEVER allow a man in, to hurt me the way he hurt my mom and our family.

And so I subconsciously attracted men who could NEVER lead, and who would NEVER commit.

So here is what I did to change that mindset ⬇️

✨ I had to clear those negative limiting beliefs from my mind!!! This was NOT my story to live. This was my parent’s story. But for so long I carried it around as if were mine. Comment LIMITING BELIEFS to get my e-guide if you want to start that journey yourself.

✨I had to forgive. And not just the people who hurt me. I had to learn to forgive myself. For not knowing any better and for abandoning myself time & time again for survival.

✨I sat in my feelings and I felt them!! Really felt them. Let them pour through me and take over me and then I let them all out. Because they didn’t belong there anymore, stored inside my subconscious mind and pushed down to the depths of me. Creating toxicity. I balled my eyes out and screamed at God to please have mercy and to change my ways.

✨Then I started the process of loving myself. Accepting all that I was and all that I am. Shameful moments of my past and all. I gave myself the most unconditional love and transformation started…

If you want to learn more about how I attracted my beautiful love join our community and enroll in our 11 week course! Click here.

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