Self Worth Movement

Why You Attract Emotionally Unavailable Men

July 13, 2024

I’m Denise Nicole.
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✨Some may love that challenge & excitement. We can be drawn to the excitement of trying to break down emotional barriers and earn affection.

✨Independence can be more appealing than being clingy for people who love autonomy.

✨This may seem like a safe choice because these types of men avoid deep emotional involvement. This can protect us from feeling vulnerable, hurt, or rejected.

✨We believe that they can be the one to change this person & make them emotionally available, fulfilling a nurturing or caretaking role.

✨Successfully gaining the attention or affection may provide a sense of validation or boost our self-esteem, as it can feel like an accomplishment.

✨For those who grew up with emotionally unavailable caregivers or witnessed such dynamics in their family, this may feel familiar, even if it’s not healthy.

✨We may be hesitant to commit to a fully available relationship due to our own commitment issues or fears of being hurt. This can offer a sense of safety in this regard.

For the longest time, I found myself entangled in relationships with emotionally unavailable men. It was a pattern that seemed to define my romantic life, one I couldn’t break free from.

The allure of the chase, the challenge, and the hope that maybe, just maybe, I could be the one to break through those emotional walls was intoxicating. It felt like I was searching for something that was always just out of reach, leaving me yearning and endlessly craving the emotional closeness I desired.

I’m sharing this because I get it. I’ve navigated the rollercoaster of emotions, the intense highs and devastating lows that come with being with someone who’s emotionally unavailable. It’s a journey filled with moments of pleasure and moments of despair, much like an addiction. Those breadcrumbs were like little pieces of dopamine that had me craving more.

Thankfully I was able to dive deep within and heal from unresolved childhood wounds and I’m finally experiencing what it’s like to be with someone who is all in, completely available, and it’s like stepping into a world I never thought possible. So, if you find yourself stuck in this cycle, know that there’s a way out.

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