Self Worth Movement

How To Make Him Love You More

July 16, 2024

I’m Denise Nicole.
Welcome to my little corner of the world! We are here to heal from within. Learn to control our reactions to triggers and kick toxic habits and relationships to live a healthier lifestyle.
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Gimme that

Every woman needs to know this 🙌🏽🙌🏽

✨ I let go of that feeling of being wanted and needed. This made me super clingy. I had to meditate on letting go and not attaching to things, people and moments. What is meant for me will come easily. I had to give up control of making people want to stay. Comment “LET GO” to get the meditation I listened to daily.

✨I had to heal my inner child. What does this have to do with anything Denise? Ohhhhhhh if you only knew! My little girl inside was screaming for love and attention. But little did I know that she wanted it from me. Not from a man. I had to heal her, love her, hug her, prioritize her, teach her, learn her, accept her and adore her in order to move forward on my path to a beautiful and thriving love from my partner. Click here for my INNER CHILD HEALING eguide.

👉🏽When you heal internally you can reprogram your subconscious mind to believe you are deserving of a beautiful love and you will start reflecting what you believe and deserve.

✨I remained resilient even in times of hardship. I am never a victim!! I ALWAYS ask myself… what is this teaching me, rather than asking why is this happening to me. This mindset is one of a warrior and will get you to amazing places in life.

👉🏽When a man sees your strength he learns to trust that you will have his back during times of hardship and this alone will make him kiss the ground you walk on!!!

✨ I embodied my inner most sensual being. This is a super power that all women have, but don’t know how to use for their own good. LEAN the Fu{k into that beautiful essence of being a woman. FEEL it in your bones. You are woman. You create life. You are a strong, bold, phenomenal being. Don’t you ever forget just how amazing you are with all your flaws and insecurities. Love on those parts of you that you don’t like so much. Learn to accept all that you are and have NO SHAME in anything that was done in your past. You have the choice to move forward and create a life that you dream of having. And no one can take that power away from you.

If you are ready for an extreme life change comment “SECRET SAUCE” to be put on the waiting list for my masterclass. 💃🏻💃🏻🌹🌹

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Denise Nicole

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