
welcome to

The Denise Nicole Journal

Ready to embrace the extraordinary woman you truly are? Here we will talk about doing the inner work so that we don't have to rely on external energy to make us feel whole. We will show up daily for ourselves and learn to live more confidently than ever before!

Inspiration for a beautiful life

denise nicole

what to do when he isnt texting you back
the latest

What To Do When He Isn’t Texting You Back

I wish someone told me this 🙈 I’ve been there one too many times. We get into these relationships or situationships with men who JUST 👏🏼 DON’T👏🏼 VALUE 👏🏼 US 👏🏼. This is so detrimental to our soul. Because deep down we just want to be loved. Why can’t they just love us? The problem […]

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I’m Denise Nicole.
Welcome to my little corner of the world! We are here to heal from within. Learn to control our reactions to triggers and kick toxic habits and relationships to live a healthier lifestyle.
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Gimme that
How to make him open up and be vulnerable

You wanna save this one 👇🏼 🗝️ Building a safe and supportive environment is key for encouraging a man to be vulnerable. Men put up a wall just like us women do because of the hurt and pain they have endured during their lifetime. This could have been from childhood or past relationships where they […]

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3 Standards you need to raise in order to attract a high quality man

Here’s how to attract the man of your dreams. 💫 ✨ Want to know the secret to finding a high-quality man? It starts with raising your standards. 👉I know this seems way too simple… but let me tell you after talking to hundreds of women, 95% of them didn’t even know what their standards were. […]

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how to keep him coming back -

Here’s the key to keeping him hooked. 🔑 ✨ Ever wondered how to keep your man by your side for the long haul? I’ve been there, and I’ve got the inside scoop to share with you. Drop “SECRET SAUCE” if you’re ready to learn the secrets to a lasting relationship. ✨ Let’s get real: I […]

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Forgive yourself for not knowing 👀 🗝️ First of all you have to be so completely convicted that you want to change. This is the key to transformation! Have you ever heard the quote “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”- Albert Einstein Stop asking yourself why things […]

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Online Community

Denise Nicole

Are you tired of feeling unworthy, unloved, not good enough, under appreciated, depleted, and tired of the meaningless situationships that always seem to come your way? Are you ready to level up and love yourself so fiercely that others can't help but do the same? Giiiiiirrrrrlllll.... I got you!!! We don't settle over here!

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You are capable of greatness! It’s time to step out of your comfort zone and be the woman you were meant to be. Believe in yourself, you can do it! 


Enneagram 2, total nurturer who swears I liked blush before it became a thing. 

If you're tired of your own BS and want to make changes to truly live and not just exist. You are in the right place girlfriend! Here we will evolve, learn our triggers and react differently to them, get our emotions under control, reparent our inner child, become self aware and love ourselves fiercely. We will show up daily and be ready for a healthy relationship, when the time is right.

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