Self Worth Movement

How To Inspire His Masculine Energy

July 18, 2024

I’m Denise Nicole.
Welcome to my little corner of the world! We are here to heal from within. Learn to control our reactions to triggers and kick toxic habits and relationships to live a healthier lifestyle.
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Gimme that

In a previous relationship I constantly nagged him about never initiating intimacy. This was us 10 years in. And he said “You’ve always been the one to initiate”. UGH. He was right. I didn’t allow him to take the lead on anything in the relationship. I was always the one in control.

Fast forward to my new relationship today. I have fallen into my feminine energy & life is so harmonious (so is the sex)! Not that I can’t have masculine energy but always being in that energy makes me unhappy.

Here’s what to do instead👇🏻

✨Be the muse instead of the mother
👉🏻Ow. Did that one hit you in the face too? Instead of telling him what you want him to do, inspire him to do those things by leaning back into your feminine role.

✨Respect him
👉🏻Stop criticizing or judging what he does. Nothing is more emasculating to a man than your constant criticism. Dive deep into asking yourself what the root cause from childhood is that intensifies this reaction.

✨Let him lead
👉🏻Don’t be the one to initiate & plan everything. Let him do the work & come to you by giving him the space to do so.

✨Ask for his help
👉🏻It’s ok to not be so independent. Ask him if he can help you with carrying/building/fixing or organizing something – even if you could do it by yourself.

✨Bring excitement to the situation
👉🏻Give him something to step up to by showing excitement each time he takes the lead. “I love how you always take initiative when it comes to ___, it makes me feel ___!”

👉🏻Be grateful. Men like to feel like they’re your king. Men love to be appreciated & praised. He’ll crave more of that!

✨Let him make the decisions
👉🏻He finally took the lead, but he chose the wrong restaurant or he got you the wrong drink. Only correct him if you want to kill the dynamic. Appreciate him stepping up instead. In time he will learn what you love because he will naturally want to please you.

✨Master feminine communication
👉🏻Asking for what you desire, in a non-demanding way, is everything to a man’s nervous system. Make it a pleasurable experience for him & he will wanna give you everything (use your magic girl!)

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