In order to attract a man who cares about you, you first need to understand that people mirror your own energy and programming. Yes you are attracting the thing you fear most from your past.
If you feel that he doesn’t care about you…this is actually you, not caring about you. A man will only treat you the way that you allow them to treat you. So if you do not respect yourself. How do you expect him to respect you?
Acknowledging this is your true power. ✨
Do the following👇🏽
✨Prioritize yourself. – oof. This is a hard one. To all my codependent peeps out there…. Doing things for others is what makes you feel important. But this is NOT the way to go about things. You MUST put yourself first. – yes even before him!
👉🏽This allows a man to see how confident you are in your own company. He will feed off of that energy and make sure that he plans dates well in advance to get onto your calendar.
✨Do not abandon yourself in order to get love + attention from him. This means doing things that don’t feel good to you, sabotaging yourself by not listening to your intuition, having lack of boundaries or filling your voids with toxic $h!t (drugs, alcohol, extreme busyness etc). Learn to nurture yourself just as you would a partner.
👉🏽This allows him to see you have standards and he will respect them and abide by them if he wants to be in your presence.
✨Spend time with those parts of you that feel unworthy. When you open up to your insecurities you become powerful in knowing what your own wants and needs are and you can provide them to yourself.
👉🏽This helps you become confident in your own skin, which attracts a man & makes him adore you.
✨Do NOT lean into external validation!!! Worthiness comes from within. There is no amount of comments saying you are beautiful that will make you feel beautiful/wanted/needed unless you feel it from your soul. Make sure to love on you in every way possible.
👉🏽Plan that massage
👉🏽Take that dance class
👉🏽Read that self help book
👉🏽Plan that trip
👉🏽Do that course
Carry yourself according to this and watch how naturally you will attract people & situations that mirror how you care about yourself. Click here to learn more!